Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Book Review: In Search of Lucy

           Today's review is on In Search of Lucy by Lia Fairchild

Just looking at the cover of this book I thought I would be in for a nice mystery, but like they say, "never judge a book by it's cover". Within the first few chapters I found myself attached to Lucy and the other characters.

After an extremely difficult young life where she had to deal with her alcoholic mother, the death of her step-father, and taking care of her little sister, Lucy has built up a huge protective wall around her. Not wanting to let anyone in, she has been alone for far to long and is thinking about just ending it all. Instead, she finds herself on an emotional and physical journey that will forever change her life.

Lucy's little sister needs a kidney transplant and out of everyone who is tested, only Lucy is a match. Even though she hasn't seen or even talked to Katie in years, there is still nothing Lucy wouldn't do to help her. Except fly. Luckily Benny; one of her neighbors, volunteers to drive her to her sisters, and Amy volunteers to be a support for her.
This surprises Lucy because she never really considered the two as real friends. And after just one botched date, she never even thought that someone like Kyle could ever really be interested in her.

All that changes however as Lucy finds that not only is life not that bad, but that she is truly worthy of being loved by others and ultimately loved by herself, and by the end of the story she is finally ready to LIVE.

Even though the copy I received was reedited, there were still a handful of mistakes. Still, I found In Search of Lucy a really good read. The story is amazingly believable and may even bring a tear to your eyes. I personally would have liked to have had the epilogue happen further down the road to see Lucy possibly married and having met her biological father, but that is just my opinion.

Available @ Amazon.com

3.5 of 4 stars


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