Thursday, August 1, 2013

Book Review: Dark Liaison

                                                     Today's review is on Dark Liaison by J.D. Brown

Before reading Dark Liaison I revisited my review of Dark Heirloom, the first book in Brown's Ema Marx series. With the reminder of what happened previously I was able to dive right in to Dark Liaison. I had many ideas about what was coming, but I was surprised at how things actually played out.

In the last book we learned that Ema was the human that Jesu had the premonition about. She was the one that would defeat Apollyon, the self-appointed King. But Ema has no fighting experience so how is she supposed to kill Apollyon? It's up to Jesu to train her, but his love for her may get in the way.

Fleeing to Germany, Jesu and Ema begin their training sessions and even though Ema has growing feelings for Jesu she holds back. After all, through a hundred or so generations they have a mutual family relationship. But Ema can't hold out forever or can she?

When Bridget offers to train Ema she is excited beyond words. Now she can train and learn about the history of her kind. Plus, she can maintain some distance between her and Jesu.

Jesu tries time and time again to show Ema how much he loves her, but the mixed signals she sends out drives him crazy. When she flat out rejects him he turns to Bridget, and when Ema sees them kissing she isn't too happy about it.

Apollyon comes after Ema with the help of some Zombies and Ema is seen using her powers in public. Now she must face the German vampyre King for sentencing.

Finally, Ema cannot help but to fall helplessly in love with Jesu even though she thinks that he and Bridget are in love with each other. But Jesu sets the record straight. He loves HER and HER only. With his admission comes Ema's. She's in love with him. FINALLY!!

Dark Liaison flowed seamlessly from Dark Heirloom adding more adventure and more drama. It also added in a lot of mistakes that should have been caught during the editing phase. I loved the fact that Ema and Jesu are now a couple but I felt that it took a bit to long to get there. Too much time was spent on the constant rejection from Ema. I mean come on, how many times would you take it? Definitely not that long.

Finally, while others have speculated that Jesu may have suffered the true death I'm confident that he hasn't. He is a major player. He is the hero, and the hero always wins. Tell me I'm right J.D.

I am a helpless romantic who loves her vampires, vampyers, ghosts, and werewolves. Besides that, I am vested in this series. I HAVE to see it to the end, mistakes in all. Word of advice though. Please look into getting a proofreader.

3.5 of 5 stars
Available at Amazon

Book Description: via Amazon

The second book in the award-nominated Ema Marx series.

Ema Marx
wishes her life would go back to normal, but there's nothing normal
about being a Romani-Vampyre with an ancestor who wants you dead.
Apollyon is back, wreaking havoc on the lives of everyone she cares
about while plotting her demise.
Ema thought she would find a new best friend in her trainer, Bridget,
until the exotic vampire vies for Jesu's attention. Jesu can date who he
wants, right? Ema has more important things to worry about, like honing
her powers. When Apollyon's thugs appear out of the shadows to attack
her, Ema knows it's time to take action. But everyone else has other
plans in mind.
One thing is for certain, being under house arrest in the German vampyre
king's castle was not part of her plan to save the day.

List of all books in the series:
  • Dark Heirloom (An Ema Marx Novel 1)
  • Dark Liaison (An Ema Marx Novel 2)


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