Thursday, August 23, 2012

Book Review: Twice Around The Mulberry Bush

Today's review is on Twice Around The Mulberry Bush by Gerald Helland

It is said that "beauty is only skin deep", and we teach our children that it is what's on the inside of a person that counts not what's on the outside. Well now you can add this wonderful book into the mix. Twice Around The Mulberry Bush brings home this very concept. It is a fantastic tale of acceptance, of looking beyond that which is on the outside and seeing the person within.

Wesely McFaddon's 15 year-old life is forever changed one afternoon while hanging out with his best friend. Unable to cope with what has happened, he packs his bag and hits the open road. Along the way, he meets up with both friendly and not so friendly people, the best being the Woods family, and the worst being Morton Crawford.

While staying on the Woods farm, Wesely realizes that not only are things not always what they seem, that beauty truly is only skin deep, and that you can't outrun your problems.

I truly enjoyed reading this book, and I LOVE its message. This should be a mandatory read for people everywhere.

4 of 5 stars
Available at Amazon


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