Thursday, April 25, 2013

Book Review: Calm Before the Storm

            Today's review is on Calm Before the Storm by BJ Robinson

Sometimes it feels like Robinson is writing just for me. There is always something in each of her books that have something in common with me or the events of my life. Perhaps it's just coincidence, but I've never been one to believe in that. I have always believed that there is a grand plan to what our lives will be, even if it takes a while to get there. The lives of Douglass and Vera are no different.

Once childhood sweethearts, a misunderstanding causes the ending of their relationship and Vera leaves town. A decade later she returns because of her little sister's illness. Bridgett has been suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, a terrible Body Dysmorphic Disorder. But the last person Vera expected to be there to offer her comfort was Douglass, and once he looks down on her with those "baby blues" all those feelings come back.

Through not only her sister's death but a seemingly string of deaths at the local hospital, Vera begins wondering if someone is playing God. And when Douglass' friend Mark goes through the death of his young wife at the same hospital, suspicions turn towards one person.

I thought I knew who the culprit was but I was wrong. And as the danger increased around Vera, and the other deaths around Douglass' job I was a bit confused. One person couldn't have been doing all of if, could they?

I loved that Vera and Douglass could have the chance to work out the misunderstanding that happened all those years ago. And I love the wonderful ending of this awesome story.

4 of 5 stars
Available at Amazon

Book Description: via Amazon

Vera Minette Bradley left Louisiana six short years ago and never looked back. There were times she missed Lake Pontchartrain, but not enough to return after her high school sweetheart ripped her heart asunder. She hadn't counted on a hurricane and her sister's illness to lure her back. She hated hospitals and wondered why a feeling of déjà vu iced through her veins and overpowered her each time she entered one. The truth was she knew why. She just didn't want to think about it. She'd watched her mother die in this hospital, and she'd had her own ordeal. An ominous wave of memories flooded her mind. She turned at the sound of heavy footsteps and gazed into a pair of vivid blue eyes, the type that could see straight through you. She drew back and gazed up into those eyes she loved so much, the ones that mesmerized her like she was spellbound in a trance. Should call them hypnotic baby blues. She forced herself back to the present she didn't want to face. Strong arms hugged her. She lifted her head from the shoulder of the man who towered above her at 6'2" and 175 pounds of lean, hard muscle to keep the world at bay, but this was something even his strength couldn't protect her from no matter how hard he tried. Years ago Vera remembered she tried to fight off the shot as a nurse thrust a needle at her. She'd fought them in the ambulance, too, but there were too many of them, too many arms holding her down. She tried to tell the nurse she'd had a shot en route to the hospital, but to no avail. She felt the sharp prick of the needle and prayed before she went under. Myrtle tried desperately to open her eyes. She wanted to waken one more time to see her youngest daughter's big brown eyes. She had to say goodbye. Six years later, Bridgett went into a coma and never woke. Lilly went in for a simple operation and deep sleep turned into a coma. What did all these women have in common? They'd all had medication at the same hospital. Was someone playing God, or was it truly their time to go home? Would any leave the hospital alive?


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