Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Book Review: The Peachville High Demons Series

Today's review is on The Peachville High Demons series by Sarra Cannon

Since I really couldn't find anything but good things about each book in Cannon's Peachville High Demons series, I simple read each of the four installments currently available, and decided that I would simply provide my review and opinion of the series as a whole.  I did; however, provide a review of the first book, Beautiful Demons already.

Each book follows the life of Harper Madison, a orphan who has been in numerous foster homes until she finally ends up at Shadowford Home for girls.  This is her last chance.  If she messes up there she will be placed in juvenile hall.  But trouble seems to follow Harper like a black cloud.  Suddenly a local cheerleader is found dead, seemingly burned from the inside out.  Everything begins to change for Harper after that.  Love, and popularity begin to fill her life as she joins the cheerleading squad and begins dating the star quaterback, but she finds she is drawn to Jackson, the boy with the amazing green eyes.

In the second book; Inner Demons, Harper finds that she is a witch, and not just any witch.  Harper is the Prima Futura of the Order of the Shadows coven.  But somehow she cannot seem to remember her life before being on the cheer squad, and no matter how much she asks about it, she finds no answers.  The only person who seems to know the truth is Jackson and once he reveals it to her, everything changes.  Once Harper finds out the the coven forces Demons from the shadow world to join with them, Demons like Jackson, Harper realizes she has to do something to stop it, but how?

In book three; Bitter Demons, Harper is still in the hospital after saving Jackson from the Others.  Once released, they spend as much time together as they can until another coven arrives.  One of the other covens witches, Zara, begins training Harper which dampens on the time she can be with him, but she learns so much about herself and her powers.  Using her powers, she and another witch switch places and live the life of the other for just a few hours until trouble pops up again.

In book four Harper learns all the dirty secrets of the Order.  She learns the truth about how and who killed her mother after finding her mothers journal.  She also learns how corrupt the High Council actually is and what they are capable of doing to those who choose to stand up to them.  Even with that knowledge she still fights for what's right, even though it may cost her her life.  But she won't show fear.  Her one saving grace is that the man she loves will be safe.  Jackson will continue the fight against the Order with his friends.

Each book in this series was full of surprises.  Twists, turns, suspense, you name it.  I couldn't put them down, I couldn't get enough!  Each character grows as each book progresses.  And though there are continued attacks on Harper, each one is completely different and exciting.  The way that Cannon brings in the background of each main character makes it all the more interesting to read.  You never know the whole truth until Cannon wants you to.


5 of 5 stars


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