Friday, June 17, 2011

Book Review: Dark Magick

Today’s review is on Dark Magick by Cate Tiernan

Dark Magick is the 4th book in Tiernan’s Sweep series and I have to say that with each book I read in the series the more I enjoy them.

In Dark Magick Morgan finds out that Cal and his mother are also Woodbane witches and that they practice “traditional” magick.  Traditional meaning that they practice dark magick.  She also learns that Cal has been helping his mother find other Woodbane witches to join her coven.  His job was to find the female witches, get close to them, make them fall in love with him, and bring them to his mother.  His job didn’t include him falling in love with one, but he did fall in love with her.

When Morgan refuses to go with Cal to see his mother and the other witches, he locks her in his Seomar, his sanctuary in the pool house.  The next thing Morgan knows is that the pool house is on fire.  Sending out a witch message to anyone that could help her, she is rescued by Bree and Robbie.

Book 4 is packed full of adventure, suspense, and heart ache for Morgan.  I could not put it down, anxious to find out how things would turn out.  Thank the Goddess I have books 5 and 6 with me this week!

4.5 of 5 stars!!


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